Motown Records and STYNGR have joined forces with Second Life, the original metaverse.
Motown Records, a new immersive music experience and venue within Second Life, will be launched as a result of the collaboration. It will also host live performances by top vintage and modern Motown performers. Linden Lab launched Second Life in 2003, making it one of the first virtual worlds that is still active today.
The Motown Records location will open with interactive experiences that reflect the famous sound of the record company. Styngs, which allow Second Life residents to attach Motown Record music clips to their avatars, are available to visitors. Do you remember HitClips? The digital counterpart of that is now coming to Second Life. A curated Motown Records radio station is also available, with new music anticipated to be added throughout 2023.
With Motown Records, this is the first digital experience of its type. The collaboration is made possible by STYNGR’s license, technology, and platform, which imports handpicked music from large and independent labels.

“Motown Records is one of the most innovative and purpose-driven record labels in history,” says Alvaro Velilla, Senior Vice President of New Business at UMG. “We are overjoyed that this unprecedented collaboration with Second Life will provide fans of the label’s trailblazing artists with an unparalleled immersive experience.” Fans have an altogether new method to establish communities around the artists and music they love thanks to virtual venues like this one.”

“Our goal in seeking partnerships and collaboration opportunities is to improve, enhance, and enrich Second Life residents’ in-world experiences,” says Brad Oberwager, Executive Chairman of Linden Lab. “Collaborating with Motown Records and STYNGR to bring the timeless music of one of the world’s most iconic music brands to our community is an extraordinary opportunity for Second Life, and we are excited to work together to bring this to existing as well as new residents looking to experience Motown Records’ music in an entirely new way.”
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